Brand New Access Courses

 New Access Courses 

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland launches brand new Access Courses for people ages 17+ starting July 2025

A man sitting while a young girl laughs holding a microphone

This eight-month accredited programme will help you discover your creative potential and take your artistic skills to the next level. It is fully funded for those who meet our Fair Access eligibility and is designed for people who are serious about studying BA Arts with CommunityMusic Education, or Production at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.

The programme is split into three areas of study and offers 40 credits at SCQF Level 6 on completion:

  • Access to Arts with Community
  • Access to Production
  • Access to Music Education

Throughout the course you will deepen your understanding and increase experience in your chosen artform. You will work collaboratively with other students to create performances and receive expert guidance on how to apply for degree programmes and prepare for auditions/interviews.

Find out more about these exciting new courses running from July 2025 – March 2026 here: Access Courses at RCS


Text: Apply Now

Deadline to apply: 14 March 2025

 Who Can Apply 

Our Access Courses are fully funded and specifically aimed at people who:

  • live in an SIMD1 Postcode 
  • are care experienced or estranged from, and receive no support from, family or carers
  • live in an SIMD1 Postcode or SIMD2 Postcode and belong to one of the following groups:
    • living rurally with poor transport links
    • Black, Indigenous or People of Colour 
    • D/deaf or Hard of Hearing

Get in touch if you have any questions or need us to check a postcode for you.

 Contact Us 

If you have any questions about these activities please get in touch with us at:

Performance Trip: War Horse

 Performance Trip 

Join us for the second in our series WACI performance trips to see the award winning, National Theatre tour of Michael Morpurgo’s ‘War Horse’.

A life size puppet horse and a man holding it's face

War Horse is an unforgettable theatrical experience which takes audiences on an extraordinary journey from the fields of rural Devon to the trenches of First World War France. Based on the beloved novel by Michael Morpurgo, this powerfully moving and imaginative drama, filled with stirring music and songs, is a show of phenomenal inventiveness. At its heart are astonishing life-sized horses by South Africa’s Handspring Puppet Company, who bring breathing, galloping, charging horses to thrilling life on stage.

This performance trip is the perfect opportunity to see award winning theatre that combines puppetry, movement, emotive story telling and innovative sound and lighting design. It is open to those aged 16+ with an interest in drama, performance, sound and lighting technology. 

Please note that signing up does not automatically mean you will receive a place on the trip. After the signup date we will prioritise applications who meet our eligibility and contact you to let you know if you have been successful.

DISCLAIMER: This show uses strobe lighting. It also deals with themes that some people may find upsetting including war, and depictions of violence and death. This trip will be supervised by Livi from the WACI Team, who will be in attendance. Please make any reasonable adjustments/accessibility requirements known

When: 31 March
Time: 7.30pm
Where: Theatre Royal, Glasgow

Book Now button

Spaces are limited. Completing the booking form doesn’t automatically guarantee your place.
We will notify successful candidates.

Booking Deadline: Monday 24 March

Please note: WACI prioritise those facing barriers in accessing the arts such as those who are:

Get in touch and we can check your postcode for you. 

 How to Contact Us 

If you have an queries or questions about this activity, you can contact the team at: 📧

Filmmaking Taster Morning

 Filmmaking Taster Morning 

Thursday 6 February, 9:30am – 12.45pm

A young person holding a camera

Are your pupils interested in studying Filmmaking at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland? Sign up now for you and up to three of your pupils to attend our taster morning.

Taking place here at RCS, it will focus on providing information for the BA Filmmaking Programme.

This morning will be a great opportunity to:

  • Find out about our BA Filmmaking Programme from the people who teach it.
  • Try your hand at screenwriting.
  • Hear what it’s like to study filmmaking from current students.
  • See inside RCS, and get a feel for what it could be like to study here.
  • Get up close with filmmaking equipment.
  • Meet the Fair Access Team and learn what support we can offer you and your pupils.

* Applications Closed *

Sign Up Deadline: 30 January

Fair Access is funded to support young people who face barriers in accessing the arts. You are welcome to book up to three of your pupils on this session who meet the following criteria:

Get in touch if you have any questions or need us to check a postcode for you.

 Contact Us 

If you have any questions or have any issues with filling out the form, please get in touch at:

Arts with Community: Placement Opportunities

 Arts with Community 

 Placement Opportunities 

Build your experience in Community Arts

A group of people throwing bean bag to each other

Are you aged 16+ and believe in the power of the arts to make change in people’s lives? Want to experience great community arts in action? 

We’re creating short practical placements with some amazing community artists so you can see what they do, how they do it and the impact it has on the people they work with. 

Be in the room as a participant and benefit from being mentored by community artists at the top of their game. Make connections and expand your network through this exciting opportunity. 

These placements are open to anyone interested in finding out more about performing and production arts in community contexts and are ideal for people considering applying to our new BA Arts with Community programme. 

Placements will take place at weekends or evenings throughout February/March. You will attend up to three sessions with your chosen organisation.  


* Applications now closed *


 Contact Us 

If you have any questions about these activities please get in touch with us at:

Digital Artist in Residence

 Digital Artist in Residence 

WACI are looking to recruit a Digital Artist in Residence

A man sitting at table with his laptop talking to someone else

Widening Access to the Creative Industries (WACI) at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland are seeking a skilled and compassionate artist based in Scotland to lead a digital creative project aimed at empowering young people (16+). The artist will need to provide a safe and creative outlet for participants to explore their identities, tell their stories, and develop knowledge in the selected artform. The artist will aim to inspire and communicate how their artform can lead to a potential career path.

Application Deadline: Sunday 15 December

*Applications now closed*

 Contact Us 

If you have any questions about these activities please get in touch with us at:

Creative Conversations in the Classroom

 Careers Talks Across Scotland 

With Accompanying Teacher Resources

Are you, or the young people you teach, interested in applying to study in the performing and production arts? Are you not sure where to start or what careers there may be? Fair Access have produced a suite of films and resources that can help making those decisions.

What is ‘Creative Conversations in the Classroom’?

Creative Conversations is a series of short films and accompanying teachers’ resources. The aim is to give young people an insight into what it’s really like to work in the creative industries.

​Each film features three professionals who work in a specific area of the performing or production arts in conversation with each other, and with an audience of secondary school pupils. At the end of each film, young people from the audience describe the impact this conversation has had on them. The Teachers’ Resources provide questions to get your own conversations in the classroom started after watching the film. ​

The Creative Conversations series includes artists working in:

All the films can be viewed at home, on your mobile devices or as a group in your classrooms or community spaces. You can also access them via our Toolkits page.

Contact Us

We’d love to hear about how you use these resources in your classroom or if you’re a young person that has found them useful in learning more about career options. You can say hello on our social media or if you have any questions about these resources, please get in touch at:

Taster Mornings

 Taster Mornings 

For Music Teaching, Production or Acting

Are your pupils interested in studying Music Teaching, Production or Acting at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland? Teachers can sign up now for you and up to three of your pupils to attend our taster morning.

These sessions will focus on providing information about the degree programmes here at RCS. They will be a great opportunity to:

  • Find out about the programmes from those who teach it
  • Get involved with interactive workshops
  • See inside RCS and get a feel for what it could be like to study here
  • Meet the Fair Access Team and learn what support we can offer you and your pupils

All sessions are taking place at RCS in the Renfrew Street building taking place from 9:30am until 12:30pm. Choose below from the sessions you’d like to attend:


 Who Can Take Part 

WACI is funded to support young people who face barriers in accessing the arts. You are welcome to book up to 3 pupils on this session who meet the following criteria:

Get in touch if you have any issues with filling out any of the forms.

 Contact Us 

If you have any questions about these activities please get in touch with us at:

Masterclass: Live Sound for Artists

 Masterclass: Live Sound for Artists 

For those interested in studying
sound production, music or live performance

Sound artist in a venue working on a sound desk

Join us for an evening masterclass with Sound Engineer Carla Feuerstein to de-mystify the skills behind live sound engineering.

This will be particularly useful for any student interested in sound production, music or live performances. We invite students with any interest in being on stage or behind the sound desk.

When: Friday 25 October
Times: 7pm – 9pm
Where: Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Book Now button
Spaces are limited.
Completing the booking form doesn’t automatically guarantee your place.
We will notify successful candidates.

 About Carla 

Carla Feuerstein is a live sound and recording engineer based in Glasgow who has extensively toured the UK and Europe over the last 10 years. While she has worked with artists from a variety of backgrounds, her main focus lies with the Folk and Traditional Music Scene of Scotland, where she has the pleasure of working with outstanding artists such as Breabach, HEISK, The Paul McKenna Band, Seàn Gray and the crossover-theatre production Hebridean Treasure – Lost and Found. Her contribution to these artists’ sound has earned her two nominations as Sound Engineer of the Year at the MG Alba Scots Trad Music Awards.

In 2021, Carla joined the team at GloWorm Recording Studios in the heart of Glasgow, where she works under producer-owners Iain Hutchison and Andrea Gobbi.

Having joined the Royal Conservatoire’s School of Music part-time teaching staff Carla is now regularly leading tutorials, helping students hone their recording skills.

 Who Can Take Part 

WACI prioritise those facing barriers in accessing the arts such as those who are:

Get in touch and we can check your postcode for you. 

 Contact Us 

If you have any questions about these activities please get in touch with us at:

Audition and Interview Prep

 Audition and Interview Prep 

For those applying to study the performing or production arts

WACI are delighted to be offering a suite of Audition and Interview Prep sessions. These sessions will help you prepare for your interviews and auditions, help build confidence and offer tips and advice specific to your discipline.

These workshops are for those who are thinking about applying to study at a college, university or conservatoire in one of the following areas:

Acting or Musical Theatre
(Monologue Prep, 1:1 Sessions)
When: Dates between 29 October – 14 November
Times: 6pm or 7:15pm
Where: Online

Deadline to apply: Tuesday 22 October

Music Teaching
(BEd, Bachelor of Education in Music)
When: 5 & 7 November, 6:30pm – 8pm
Where: Online

Deadline to apply: 4 November

Filmmaking & TV
When: 12 & 14 November, 5pm – 7pm
Where: Online

Deadline to apply: 11 November

Production Arts or Technology
When: 19 & 21 November, 5pm – 7pm
Where: Online

Deadline to apply: 18 November

 Who Can Take Part 

WACI prioritise those facing barriers in accessing the arts such as those who are:

Get in touch and we can check your postcode for you. 

 Contact Us 

If you have any questions about these activities please get in touch with us at:

National Schools Workshops

 National Schools Workshops 

School workshops in the performing and production arts

WACI are delighted to be offering a new programme of National Schools Workshops. Aimed at S5-6 classes and delivered within schools across Scotland. The workshops in performing and production arts are interactive, high-quality and delivered by industry experts.

Places are strictly limited and can be requested via the information pages for each workshop and subsequent signup forms:

All workshops will: 

  • Require two periods or equivalent 
  • Be targeted toward S5-6 
  • Be offered on a first come first served basis 
  • Provide students with an insight into the fully funded access programmes at RCS, further and high education pathways and potential career options 
  • Serve as talking point on their personal statement 
  • Provide them with transferable skills for their SQA assessments 

To be an eligible school you must be listed on our wider schools list 

 How to Contact Us 

If you have an queries or questions about this activity, you can contact the team at: 📧