
Fair Access Community Choir

 Fair Access Community Choir 

Wednesday Evenings, 6 – 7:30pm at RCS

Woman singing with words: Fair Access Community Choir

We’re excited to invite you to our new, weekly Fair Access Community Choir, here at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland led by Anna Ghazal.

Anna is a community choir leader who conducts choirs in Glasgow, including the RSNO Workplace and Buggy Choirs. As the Creative Learning Producer at the National Youth Choir of Scotland (NYCOS), she focuses on making music accessible and inclusive. 

The Fair Access Community Choir is open to all current and past Fair Access students and staff. This includes Get Into, WACI and Transitions participants and their families and support networks.

All levels and voices are encouraged to join. No previous singing experience is required. There’s no audition and no pressure to attend every week. 

You will experience sight reading and build general musicianship skills so this will be useful for instrumentalists, for musical theatre and those interested in teaching as well as fun, social and healthy. 
Text: Apply Now

Please note: Under 13s must be accompanied by an adult.

Fair Access prioritise those facing barriers in accessing the arts such as those who are:

Get in touch and we can check your postcode for you. 

How to Contact Us

If you have an queries or questions about this activity, you can contact the team at: 📧

Focus on Applications: DDPF

 Focus on Applications: DDPF 

24 and 26 September, 5 – 7pm, Online

Young person designing an artwork in a classroom

Want to discover more about applying to and studying dance, drama, filmmaking or production? Then our Focus on Applications for Dance, Drama, Filmmaking and Production (DDPF) sessions are for you.

These two free sessions will be a great chance to:

  • Learn about studying music at a college, university or conservatoire in one of the following:
  • Gain an understanding of the application process
  • Get top tips on how to write your personal statement
  • These sessions focus on applying via UCAS and UCAS Conservatoires, as well as applying for a creative course at any college and/or university

When: 24 and 26 September, 5 – 7pm
Where: Online

Text: Apply Now

Booking Deadline: Monday 23 September

Please note: WACI prioritise those facing barriers in accessing the arts such as those who are:

Get in touch and we can check your postcode for you. 

 How to Contact Us 

If you have an queries or questions about this activity, you can contact the team at: 📧

Focus on Applications: Music

 Focus on Applications: Music 

17 and 19 September, 5 – 7pm, Online

A young woman sitting on stairs smiling with a French horn

Want to discover more about applying to and studying music? Then our Focus on Applications for Music sessions are for you.

These two free sessions will be a great chance to:

  • Learn about studying music at a college, university or conservatoire
  • Gain an understanding of the application process
  • Get top tips on how to write your personal statement
  • These sessions focus on applying via UCAS and UCAS Conservatoires, as well as applying for a creative course at any college and/or university

When: 17 and 19 September, 5 – 7pm
Where: Online

Text: Apply Now

Booking Deadline: Monday 16 September

Please note: WACI prioritise those facing barriers in accessing the arts such as those who are:

Get in touch and we can check your postcode for you. 

 How to Contact Us 

If you have an queries or questions about this activity, you can contact the team at: 📧

Nurtureship Programme

 Nurtureship Programme 

Apply now for our new national programme

A group of students in a production classroom with their tutor

Widening Access to the Creative Industries (WACI) at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland are delighted to announce our new national Nurtureship Programme.

The programme has been designed to support a small group of determined S5-6 pupils from across Scotland who plan to apply for a further or higher education course in one of the following performing or production arts disciplines:

The programme will provide Nurtureship students with specific and tailored sessions. They will build on their skills and prepare for applications, interviews and auditions.

Students on the programme will receive:

  • A Masterclass in their chosen artform with a focus on practical skills 
  • A 1:1 Advice and Guidance session with an industry professional
  • A Scholarship to RCS Summer Schools with a travel and subsistence bursary 
  • Online Audition and Interview Preparation Classes 
  • An opportunity to meet like-minded students who share a common goal

This programme is for:

  • S5-6 students who attend a school on our wider schools list
  • Live 2 hours or more from the RCS 
  • Determined and motivated students who are committed to applying and auditioning/interviewing for a performing or production arts further or higher education course at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

How to apply

Students can apply via our form and will need to provide the following information: 
  • Name of Current School 
  • Date of Birth
  • Home Postcode
  • A written or filmed statement that details commitment to studying a performing or production arts course 
  • Details of the further/and or higher education courses they’d like to apply for 
Successful applications will display commitment to the Nurtureship Programme and outline why the applicant would benefit from the support outlined above. Spaces on this programme are limited therefore we may invite applicants to interview during the selection process.
Text: Apply Now

Please note: WACI prioritise those facing barriers in accessing the arts such as those who are:

Get in touch and we can check your postcode for you. 

 Contact Us 

If you would like to find out more or talk about this opportunity, please contact


Come and Try: CLPL Sessions for Teachers 2024

 Come and Try: 

 CLPL Sessions for Teachers 

Wednesday Evenings in September 2024

Young woman playing a violin. Words: Come & Try A group of adults in a dance studio practicing

WACI are delighted to be offering two new Career-Long Professional Learning (CLPL) sessions for teachers this coming September:

All sessions are free and take place at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Aimed primarily at secondary teachers who work in schools with large catchments of SIMD1 areas, you can find out more and sign up by clicking the links above. 

 Contact Us 

If you have any questions about these activities, please email:

Fair Access: Big Sing and Big Street Dance Day

 Fair Access: 

 Big Sing and Big Street Dance Day 

Saturday 27 July at RCS Wallace Studios, Glasgow

Workshop day with 2 free workshops. Come to one or come to both!

Fair Access is excited to invite you to our Big Sing and Big Street Dance Day, here at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Based at the Wallace Studios for the day, you can attend one or both of the workshops that are supportive sessions open to beginners.

A man on stage street dancing Students with choir master

Big Street Dance
10:30am – 12:30pm, 
Room RS3

Big Sing
1pm – 3pm, Room RS3

Join Adam McMillan of THREE60 for an introductory workshop in Street Dance.

Adam is a Scottish dance artist who has developed a unique style. He mixes Hip-Hop with a touch of contemporary-inspired movements. Adam’s mission is focused on sharing Hip-Hop culture authentically and passionately.

Join Anna Ghazal in the afternoon to experience the joy of singing together.

Anna is a community choir leader who conducts choirs in Glasgow, including the RSNO Workplace and Buggy Choirs. As the Creative Learning Producer at the National Youth Choir of Scotland (NYCOS), she focuses on making music accessible and inclusive. 

Text: Apply Now

Booking Deadline: 23 July 2024

Please note:

Fair Access prioritise young people aged between 16 – 19 who are facing barriers in accessing the arts, such as those:

Get in touch if you would like us to check your postcode for you. 

Contact Us

You can contact the team at

Creative Communities in Uist and Lewis

 Creative Communities in Uist and Lewis 

Fair Access in the Outer Hebrides

A girl holding an illustration to animate for cameras

Last week Becca Skeoch (WACI Coordinator) and Jesse Paul (Head of Fair Access) paid a visit to creative communities in Uist and Lewis.

On Benbecula, they visited Lionacleit School where S1 pupils were working on a Fair Access project all about Gaelic Culture. This project was a collaboration between Fair Access, the school and Uist Film which gave the students an introduction to animation and storytelling skills.

To get a sense of other creative work on the island, Becca and Jesse were joined by Andy Mackinnon at Taigh Chearsabhagh. They were so excited to witness work in progress from fine art students and to get a sense of place by visiting Hut of the Shadows – a Camera Obscura and of course a walk on the beach before their ferry.

On Lewis, we visited arts education workers at An Lanntair in Stornoway. They were so inspired by the range, depth and extent of the in-house and outreach arts programme they offer. Fair Access are hoping to work on a collaborative interdisciplinary performance project with them in the near future.

 Contact Us 

If you have any questions or queries or would like to know how to get involved with WACI, please email:

Get Into: Performing and Production Arts

 Get Into: 

 Performing and Production Arts 

Performance, Production, Singing and Community Arts

For pupils S5 & S6 or Young People 16+

Woman performing for school children

Starting Autumn 2024

Would you like to Get Into: Performing and Production Arts but not sure where to begin? Our free Get Into courses could be the perfect answer. 

We’re running four separate programmes starting this Autumn:

  • Performance (acting, devising and dance)
  • Production for Stage and Screen (sound, lighting and camera)
  • Singing Together (confidence building and vocal leadership)
  • Community Arts (leading creative projects with communities)

These free weekly part-time sessions will be a great opportunity for you to:

  • Build your confidence
  • Develop your skills in your chosen field
  • Meet others who love the same thing as you

*Sign Ups are now closed*

Please note: Fair Access will prioritise those aged 16-19 facing barriers to accessing the arts such as those:

Get in touch and we can check your postcode for you. 

 Get In Touch 

If you have any questions or queries, email:

Filmmaking Workshops in Lochaber and Oban

 Filmmaking Workshops 

Community Collaborations:

Ardnamurchan, Lochaber and Oban

A group of young people in a classroom in a circle

Hannah Hunter and WACI have been to visit Ardnamurchan, Lochaber and Oban High Schools to deliver introductory Filmmaking workshops. The workshops looked at film theory and style whilst giving the students hands-on directing experience. Hannah is an RCS BA Filmmaking student and Ardnamurchan High School alumni. This gave the students an opportunity to hear how Hannah developed her film skills whilst based in a rural community.

 Contact Us 

If you have any questions or queries or would like to know how to get involved with WACI, please email:

WACI X RCS Production in Argyll

 WACI x RCS Production 

Community Collaborations:

Tiree and Oban Sounds Design Workshops

Woman standing outside a school

WACI and sound lecturer, Clare Hibbard, from the RCS Production Technology and Management (PTM) department have been out and about in Argyll delivering an introduction to sound design workshops for students in Oban and Tiree High Schools. It was a great opportunity to get out and meet teachers and students in the West Coast communities to talk about WACI, RCS and all things sound production. Clare delivered a fascinating workshop on how industry professionals approach designing sound for theatre and film and certainly got the students thinking about pathways and careers in production.

 Contact Us 

If you have any questions or queries or would like to know how to get involved with WACI, please email: