How is everyone? We hope you are all well and finding lots of great ways to keep yourself busy!
The WACI Team have been hard at work in the background thinking of ways to help you all have fun with exciting projects and we’re delighted to announce the launch of the first in a series of online toolkits, Filmmaking on Mobile Devices.
If you have ever wanted to make a short film but didn’t know where to start, this project is for you! You will learn how to create professional-quality videos with your mobile device where we’ll show you how to plan, create, edit, save and upload your videos. All you need is imagination and a mobile phone or tablet.
Our toolkits are open for anyone to use, so whether you’re a teacher looking for new resources to share, a young person at home who is keen to explore and gain experience in filmmaking, we really hope you will enjoy making short films with us.
If you’d like to send in your videos we’d love to see them! We are hoping to choose some of them to feature on our social media and Vimeo page. Also if you are sharing any of your short films on social media be sure to tag us @RCSWACI and use the hashtag #WACILetsMakeFilms.
To get started click here!