Planning Your Video: Location Scouting

Location Scouting

Things to consider when thinking about where you will be filming are:


Shoot some test footage on your device to check the light levels. Some solutions for poor lighting if filming indoors would be to use lamps, to open blinds or use LEDs* if you have one/some.

Background Noise

Busy rooms and areas can be an issue for your filming project. Choosing rooms or locations that don’t have lots of people passing by, lots of background noise or that have busy traffic noises – unless essential for your storyline – should be avoided where possible. Again, by shooting some test footage you will be able to preview roughly what the sound will be like on the day. Putting up signs saying ‘Filming is in progress’ may be useful to ensure minimal interruptions.


Due to filming draining device batteries relatively quickly it’s always good to check if there is anywhere within or near your locations to be able to charge your devices. Battery packs* are also useful.

The Weather

Living in Scotland can be a challenge if filming outside when it comes to predicting the weather for dry sunny days. Check the weather forecast on the lead up to your filming day and have a backup plan if filming outside. Sometimes moving inside, using a patio umbrella or rescheduling filming due to weather may happen.


Make sure you have plenty of space to move around and to set up. Remember to also consider if you may need a table for equipment to sit on.


Depending on where you plan to film, sometimes you might require permission to film in certain locations. It’s always best to ask in advance before filming if any permissions are required. If you can get something in writing to say it’s OK would be advisable in case approached and asked on the day.

*Products linked are for demonstration purposes only. Alternatives are available.

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