Level 3: Junior Conservatoire and Bespoke Students (Aged 15+)

 Level 3: Junior Conservatoire & 

 Bespoke Students (Aged 15+) 

Level 3 is for students aged 15, on or before 1 September, and not applying for full-time study at RCS this year. You will participate in two activities per term.

Young woman testing a lighting desk in a curtained room

One of these will be a performance trip either at the RCS or externally to continue to build your knowledge and further enhance your ability to discuss the kind of artist you want to be.

The second activity will be a group workshop helping you to develop skills for life.  These may include subjects such as team working and collaboration, confidence and resilience, assertiveness or goal setting.

*Music students who are in the year before making their higher education application will also attend a consultation lesson with the RCS department they will be applying to, so that they can start to build a relationship with the department.  They will also get specific feedback to help prepare for their audition the following academic year.