Do I Stay or Do I Go?

When considering whether to live at home or whether to move out while you are studying, it will be tempting to think that the only way you can afford to continue your education is to live at home.  Here are a few things to consider: 

  • Is your journey to and from the RCS feasible? Keep in mind that your teaching hours are not the same as school and you are likely to be in at various times, including evenings and weekends 
  • How much will it cost you in fares? This will be minimised by ensuring that you take advantage of the young person’s free bus travel scheme if you are under 22. 
  • Will you have to travel by train?  You can purchase a 16 – 25 railcard which you can use all over the UK.  This will reduce your fares by a 1/3rd but you still need to budget for the rest of the costs 
  • If you need to work, can you do this close to home or do you need to be in the City Centre? 
  • Will it impact your ability to create, practice and socialise with your peers on the course if you are not in easy commutable distance?  Perhaps you could negotiate a night or two a week staying with peers once you have made friends but that is unlikely to be in the first term. 
  • How will you navigate the challenges of the change in family dynamics as you want to experience the freedom that goes along with being a young adult?  What needs to change? 

There are many good reasons to stay at homeHere is another blog where students share their experiences.