Matthew Don | Drama


Drama | BA Musical Theatre

Young man standing against a wall, looking and smiling to the side
📸 Robbie Mcfadzean

How did you find out about Transitions? 

From my Higher Drama teacher

What was the most useful thing you learned about your artform and yourself? 

Most useful thing I have learned about my artform through Transitions is how widely varied Musical Theatre is as an artform and how much variety and space there is in the type of work you can do in it. Most useful thing I’ve learned about myself is that I am a lot more persistent and resilient than I thought I was and if I am given opportunities, I will do the absolute most with them.

Why should someone think about joining Transitions?

Transitions is an absolutely fantastic opportunity that has proven to be completely invaluable. As people from lower-income backgrounds, there’s often not many opportunities for working-class people to gain insights into the arts and how they operate – Transitions gives you that and the network and backing to support you in your choices and your career.

What is one piece of advice would you give to any current student on Transitions? 

The only piece of advice I can give is utilise every single opportunity, even the ones that don’t seem helpful or related to your artform – they will help you develop and grow both as artists and as people.

If you could do it all over again, what would you do differently within your time with Transitions? 

Would have joined earlier.

If you’d like to find out more about how to apply for Transitions, visit our pages on ‘How to Apply’ here.