WEEK 3 - Capitalism. Good or Bad?

This is my blog of “reflection-on-action” (Schön, 1983: 50), on Short Courses of RCS, working with children of P5-7 through Process Drama (Digital Version).

In this blog I will reflect and write about things that went well and things that needed improvement in each week’s Process Drama plan and digital content.

The short courses have proven to be a very pleasant surprise. I am really enjoying creating the content for each week and it’s a process that really drives my creativity levels to the edge. My collaboration with my colleague is fruitful and I have a very positive experience so far. The development of the story within the drama world is becoming stronger each week, taking into consideration my mentor’s feedback.

On WEEK 3, the theme that I wanted to explore with the help of the participants, was Capitalism. It could be a very complex subject and that is why I decided to create the circumstances within the world of drama, for a Capitalist system to be implemented. I created an award system by giving out points to participants depending on the tasks that were given but at the same time, giving extra points to participants fulfilling certain criteria such as owning an iPhone for example. In that way, the system is supposed to treat the participants unfairly, depending on their socio-economic background for example, and they were to question the system and its criteria on the reflection part of the workshop.

In general, the quality of the digital content feels of high standards with attention on details. The Capitalism theme will be continued on WEEK 4 in order for the young participants to delve into a deeper engagement with the issue and explore and experience it a bit better.

Reference List

Schön, D.A. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner : How Professionals Think in Action. S.L.: Basic Books.

Digital Content (1st Draft): CIRCLE 3rd WEEK

Digital Content (Final Draft): CIRCLE 3rd WEEK

Digital Content (Annotated): CIRCLE 3rd WEEK (Annotated)

Process Drama Plan (1st Draft): Process Drama WEEK 3

Process Drama Plan (Final Draft): Process Drama WEEK 3

Process Drama Plan (Annotated): Process Drama WEEK 3(Annotated)

Reflection Script: Consider this -WEEK 3

Reflection Script (Annotated): Consider this -WEEK 3(Annotated)

Mentor’s Feedback: Mentor’s Feedback

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