Planning Your Video: Documents

Following are some templates to help you in the planning of your video. You can view them under each icon and download them to print if you have access to a printer. Otherwise, you can copy the template information onto a piece of paper.



Video Treatment

This is where you outline your story and ideas. This shouldn’t be any longer than 1 sheet of A4 paper and should be laid out like a pitch.

It should feature:

  • video title and description
  • filming location information
  • who will feature in the video with character descriptions
  • how the story will unfold – the main content of the start, the middle and end of your story




Research your story, write your script and edit until happy. This is where the structure of your video will come together.







Your storyboard is a visual way to plan out the stages of your video. It plots out how your video will unfold shot by shot. It’s a good way to visualise your video and should contain basic sketches. Stick people and very rough drawings are perfectly fine.




Production Schedule

Lays out the timeline of when things need to be done and helps everyone work towards your deadlines. Start planning your schedule from the last date and work backwards. It should be a flexible document.


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