Audio-only version:–Episode-7-Reflecting-on-Scotlands-Singing-for-Health-Network-e22i1f7
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Show Notes
On Season 2, Episode 7, Dr Sophie Boyd and Dr Brianna Robertson-Kirkland reflect on Scotland’s Singing for Health Network and what we have managed to achieve during this funding period, which began in March 2021. We thank the Royal Society of Edinburgh for supporting us with a 2-year networking grant.
The show is presented by Brianna Robertson-Kirkland, who is the Principal Investigator of the Network.
The show’s producer is Sophie Boyd.
This episode is edited by Sophie Boyd.
More details about the Network:
Get in touch:
Twitter: @ScotSingHealth
Key links:
Musicians’ Union:
Grants and Financial Support for Musicians – Recommendations from the Musicians’ Union:
Help Musicians:
The Royal Society of Musicians:
Independent Society for Musicians:
British Association for Performing Arts Medicine:
Music featured in the episode:
Intro music: Free Over the Fields (ID 1622) by Lobo Loco (licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License)
Outro music: Famba Naye sung by the Dennistoun Cheyne Gang, recorded by Sophie Boyd. Famba Naye is a folk song that comes from Zimbabwe and is sung in the Shona language. “Famba Naye” means “Stay Well, Go Well” in Shona. As the song is about parting, it is a popular song to be sung at funerals, though it can also be sung in other contexts.