What is expected of me when working at home?

-This should be discussed with your line manager.

How do I get help for IT issues if the building is closed?

-Email ITHelpdesk@rcs.ac.uk, individual members of the IT Team may be unavailable during this period.

What can I do to prepare for remote working?

Discuss expectations with your line manager.
-Test the functionality available to you.
-Discuss how to carry out tasks with colleagues.
-Working remotely may mean a change to working practices.

What services are available externally?

How do I get an RCS issued laptop?

-In the first instance discuss this with your line manager.
-If they decide there is a requirement then you will be added to the list.
-Requests will be prioritised on the basis of business need.

Can you supply monitors, keyboards, mice or other equipment for working from home?

-RCS does not hold stocks of monitors or other peripherals,therefore we cannot issue you with additional equipment.

What is the best way to contact colleagues when working from home?

-Email is ideal, however you should also consider the use of MS Teams for calls etc.

How do I get email on my phone / tablet?

Can I connect my own device to the VPN?

-No, this would be in breach of the Information Security and Acceptable Use Policies.

How can I make sure my own devices are as secure as possible?

-Consider using Sophos Home
-Set up Windows Defender

I don’t have internet at home. Can I still use the VPN?

-No. You need an internet connection to use the VPN.

My home internet connection keeps dropping out. Can you help me?

-No. You should contact your Internet Service Provider.

How could I deliver a lesson, meeting or tutorial to one student?

How could I carry out a lesson, meeting or tutorial with a group of students?

How do I access my voicemail while working remotely?

-Dial your full number and let it ring to voicemail,
Once the autoattend answers press *
Enter your extension ID
Enter your pin code.