This section provides information about what health services you are entitled to as a student in UK and how to access them.
NHS Inform : Student Health
If you’ve moved away from your local area to commence your studies with us at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, you must register with a new local GP practice. This includes students who have moved from elsewhere in Scotland, elsewhere in the UK or from abroad. If you are coming to Scotland to study full-time, and you live in Scotland lawfully, you can get healthcare from the NHS from the day you arrive until one month after your course finishes. Please see here about healthcare for those students coming from overseas.
It’s important for your health that you know how to get the right care, in the right place. The following link will take you to the nearest NHS services, you can use the Scotland’s Service Directory to look for information on:
- emergency departments
- minor injury units
- dental services
- GP practices
- health and wellbeing services
- hospitals
- opticians
- pharmacies
- sexual health clinics
The directory contains names, addresses, opening times and contact details for each service.
General Practitioner (GP) Services:
Dr Leslie and Partners GP Surgery (Woodside Health and Care Centre)
All students of the Conservatoire are entitled to access the medical services provided by the National Health Service (NHS). If you live in Base Glasgow or the postcode areas of G1, G2, G3, G4, G12 or G20 you can register with Dr Leslie and Partners at Woodside Health and Care Centre (891 Garscube Road, Glasgow, G20 7ER – Tel: 0141 201 5560). The Conservatoire has a close relationship with this surgery and office staff are present each year at our new student matriculation session in order to assist you with your registration form or alternatively apply online by clicking on the following link. Dr Leslie & Partners online registration
It is strongly advised that all students register with a Glasgow GP as soon as possible after arrival at the Conservatoire. If you live elsewhere in Glasgow please see NHS Inform.
International Students:
Most students in Scotland are entitled to free medical treatment through the National Health Service (NHS)* this includes:
– Consulting a General Practitioner (GP) and most other GP services (e.g. visiting a clinic)
– Treatment in a hospital (both emergency and non-emergency treatment)
However, you may need to pay for:
– some GP services (e.g. vaccinations for travel or getting a sickness certificate – currently £20)
– dental treatment
– optical treatments
See Scotland’s Service Directory | NHS inform for more information about the process of GP registration and services you can access.
*Students currently studying with us on Exchange, for less than 6 months, can request a GP appointment with Dr Leslie & Partners by contacting them directly and requesting an appointment as a “Temporary Resident”
Even if you are entitled to free NHS treatment whilst in the UK, you should consider taking out insurance which covers other medical-related costs.
An insurance policy may cover, for example:
– lost fees if you are unable to complete your course
– costs of returning home if a relative is ill
– costs of a relative visiting you in the UK if you fall ill
– cost of returning to your home country for treatment
There is often a long wait for NHS treatment, sometimes many months. An insurance policy which gives you access to private medical care could give you much quicker access to the treatment you need. If you already have medical insurance in your home country, check whether you can extend it to cover your stay in the UK, as well as looking at options available from UK insurers – you may like to consider Endsleigh who have a specific international student policy. UKCISA provides information on healthcare for non-UK students.
For an overview of health and healthcare in the UK as an international student check out:–Advice/Studying–living-in-the-UK/Health-and-healthcare
Conservatoire Medical Specialist Scheme:
The Conservatoire operates a Medical Specialist Referral Scheme. If you find you’ve developed a course-related medical problem that proves difficult to resolve via your GP, the Conservatoire will allow support you in accessing a private healthcare provider for one free consultation appointment. To access this service you must have spoken with your Head of Department, as well as seen by your GP. The specialists that the Conservatoire works with are as follows:
Ear, Nose and Throat – Mr Stuart M Robertson
Physiotherapy – Mr Patrice Berque
Oral surgeon – Dr Christine Goodall
Medical Specialist Procedure for Students (July 2024)
Health Specialist Appointment Form
If you think you need a consultation from a specialist who is not on the list above then this scheme is not appropriate for you. You might want to contact the British Association for Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM) for free specialist medical advice. BAPAM has excellent health-related resources for performing artists and runs free assessment clinics in Glasgow.
Help Musicians UK
Help Musicians UK is the leading UK charity for professional musicians of all genres, from starting out through to retirement. They help at times of crisis, but also at times of opportunity, giving people the extra support they need at a crucial stage that could make or break their career. They operate an Emerging Musicians’ Health Scheme, administered by BAPAM. They may be able to help with a grant of up to £750 towards the costs of short-term treatment that isn’t available promptly on the NHS. Find more here about Help Musicians UK and the work they do.
NHS Services in Scotland
For information on what health services are available in Scotland please go to NHS inform and NHS 24 — Self-Help Guide. NHS Inform has a search function whereby you can input your postcode and find the service you require.
Accessing the right mental health care from NHS 24
Helping you find the right care
Your guide to anxiety and depression
Find your nearest GP, Pharmacy, Sexual Health Clinic, Travel Clinic and Dentist in your area. NHS 24 provides self care advice for people in Scotland, if you’re ill and it can’t wait until your GP surgery opens call on 111. The phone line is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
High-quality information on more than 800 health conditions and treatments which can be searched by A-Z or body map. Information can easily be printed by section to create an easy to read handout.
NHS inform —Musculoskeletal Zone
Offers information, advice and top tips to people with muscle or joint problems. Topics covered include:
- Upper Body – information and advice on neck and upper limb problems.
- Back Problems – prevent back problems from taking over daily life.
- Lower Body – information and advice on hip and lower limb problems.
- Whiplash Injuries – prevent whiplash injuries from taking over daily life.
- Treatment and Recovery – advice on how to treat and recover from sprains, strains and sports injuries.
Find out whether you are drinking more than is healthy by completing the Alcohol Zone questionnaire.
Rehab 4 Addiction: UK Drug & Alcohol Rehab – Rehab 4 Addiction
Dental services in the UK are either offered through the National Health Service (NHS) or privately. NHS dentists are much lower in price than private services. When registering with a dentist please ask whether they accept NHS patients as some surgeries do not. To find your nearest NHS dentist go to
Breathing Space – Breathing Space Scotland – is a free, confidential phone and web based service for any individual who is experiencing low mood or depression, or who is unusually worried and in need of someone to talk to You can call 0800 838587 open 6pm – 2am Mon-Thurs and from 6pm – 6am Fri-Mon
Samaritans – – call 116 123, email or text: 07725 90 90 90 – 24 hours a day
Papyrus – 0800 068 4141
Victim Support Scotland – 0845 603 9213 Mon-Fri, 8am – 8pm
NHS Living Life is a telephone support service based on a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach. NHS Living Life Guided Self Help is available to anyone over the age of 16 suffering low mood, mild to moderate depression and/or anxiety. Call 0800 328 9655 (Mon-Fri 1pm-9pm) to make an appointment.
Sexual Health
Whether we’re part of a couple, in a new relationship, have many partners or are happy and relaxed with no sex, everyone needs to take care of their sexual wellbeing.
“Good Online Sexual Health” (or GOSH) for short. GOSH aims to give university students a better understanding of their online sexual health and offer advice around creating a healthier relationship with online sexual health.
Mental Health:
Campaign Against Living Miserable (CALM) 0800 585858 open 5pm – midnight
Students Against Depression
See Me Scotland – the anti-stigma campaign in Scotland.
Young Minds
An organisation based in England looking at a lot of the issues young people with mental health problems face. Contains insightful personal blogs and articles.
The Mental Health Foundation
UK mental health research, policy and service improvement charity.
Innovation Labs
A list of all the apps and websites produced or currently being designed to improve mental health. They are created through a process of coproduction between young people, health professionals and digital experts.
The Scottish Association for Mental Health
Scottish charity providing help, information and support around mental ill health and campaigning on behalf of people with mental health problems
Youth Health Talk
A website of young people’s experiences to get advice and support from other young people in the same situation.
Self-Harm and Suicide Prevention
1 million Reasons to Live –
Started as a suicide prevention Tumblr, where users can submit a “reason to live” and look at others reasons, with the aim of inspiring hope and as a distraction from negative thoughts.
The Butterfly Project –
Online campaign to encourage alternatives to self-harm
Choose Life –
Information on suicide prevention and Scotland’s suicide prevention strategy, including ASIST and SafeTalk training.
Self –
Provides lots of info, advice and personal stories around self harm, particularly focused on young people.
Life Signs –
User generated and interactive website around self harm , contains a great deal of info and support.
Eating Disorder Related
Beat –
The UK’s eating disorder organisation supporting people affected by eating disorders, their family members and friends, and campaigning on their behalf.
Anxiety UK –
National charity for those affected by anxiety disorders
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and General Mental Health
Doc Read –
Useful resource developed by young people, a website which allows people to create a plan for a visit to a GP to discuss their mental health, also containing information and advice.
Living Life to the Full –
Free online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) course.
Mood Gym –
An Australian Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) website which is free to use and interactive
Get Self Help –
Lots of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and other supportive resources for a range of mental health problems
Reach Out –
A comprehensive portal for yp that enables them to find in, use apps, and find help with mental health and wellbeing. Originally in Australia the model has been exported to Ireland the USA, content available in UK too.
Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid –
The Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid information website.
Scottish Recovery Network –
Lots of information and stories of recovery from mental ill health
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Service user led charity supporting children and adults affected by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Bipolar and Schizophrenia
Bipolar Scotland –
Information and support for those with bipolar disorder and those who care for and about them
Support in Mind –
Was the National Schizophrenia Fellowship (Scotland) and provides services, information and support for those affect by schizophrenia and their carers.
Hearing Voices Network –
Provides information as well as local groups and projects. This is for anyone who hears voices, sees visions or has any other unusual perceptions.
Moodscope –
Measure your mood each day by flipping 20 cards with emotions such as nervous or alert to a score from 0-3 depending on how strongly you feel it. Moodscope turns your scores into a percentage and tracks on a graph you can add notes to and see what triggers both good and bad days. You can have your scores emailed to a friend or family member.
Buddhify –
Popular app, you select what you are currently doing (walking, trying to sleep, using the internet, on a train etc.) and a guided meditation to match. It also has a community feel telling you how many people have followed the meditations that day. The app costs £1.99
Headspace –
Free ten day mindfulness programme (which you keep so can use the ten days any time) and pay if you want more
SAM – Self-help for Anxiety Management –
Helps people to understand what causes their anxiety, monitor their anxious thoughts and behaviours over time and manage their anxiety through self help exercises and private reflection. Also enables sharing of experiences with the SAM community while protecting your identity
Five Ways to Wellbeing –
Aims to help people feel happier and healthier by encouraging them to do simple things under the headings of connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give. It allows people to reflect on their wellbeing, set activities to help improve their wellbeing and track their progress.
Stop Breath and Think –
This app allows you to “check in” and log your current mood and physical state, and then suggests guided meditations linked to your result. It also creates a log of your check ins and meditations.
Viral Meningitis can make people very unwell, and although there are thousands of cases each year, most people will make a full recovery. Nevertheless, some people are left with serious and debilitating after-effects. Bacterial meningitis can be life-threatening and needs urgent medical attention. Most people who suffer from bacterial meningitis recover, but many can be left with a variety of after-effects and one in 10 will die. University students can be more vulnerable due to living in more cramped housing or halls of residence. In many cases young people come together from all over the country – and indeed world – to live in one place and can be exposed to bacteria and viruses their body’s have not met before. This is why so many new students get ‘fresher’s flu’. When students go off to university, it is often the first time they are living away from their parents and, more often than not, their own health and wellbeing is not a priority for them. With no parents to keep an eye on their health, meningitis can get missed. It is vital that someone always knows if you are feeling unwell and can check up on you.